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شيفالي ساردانا طبيب

مستشار رئيسي - طب الأورام النسائية والأورام الطبية

17 سنوات من الخبرة طبيب الأورام, طبيب الأورام فيماتو, جراح الرأس والرقبة, طبيب الأورام أمراض النساء

شيفالي ساردانا طبيب هو جراح الرأس والرقبة مشهور في نيو دلهي ويمارس حاليًا في Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital (Saket City), Saket, Delhi NCR. على مدار السنوات 17 الماضية، عمل شيفالي ساردانا طبيب كـ أطباء سرطان الفم والحنجرة واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال....
اقرأ المزيد

Reviews شيفالي ساردانا طبيب

Meherun Nahar green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Shetal Mehta is excellent. She speaks what she means and is both pleasant and friendly. Her therapy was well worth it. I didn't hesitate to tell her about my menstrual problems. But the clinic is pretty crowdy.
Amardev Singh green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


My pregnancy and delivery experiences were beautiful, and I will remember them for the rest of my life. Only Dr. Shetal Mehta has made this possible. Her care with her patients, attention to detail, and gentle spoken attitude round up the perfect package.
Hardayl Rathore green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Shetal Mehta treated me for over a year and a half. She was highly understanding of my difficulties and gave therapy. My pregnancy went quite well thanks to her. My gorgeous daughter kid is only in my arms because of her.
Mohammad Ayub Ali green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


I was quite anxious about my moderate pcos and scared about my pregnancy before meeting Dr. Shetal Mehta. She described all of the procedures for my treatment, and now I can only believe in her.
Babu Das green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Shetal Mehta's medicine, warnings, and feedback are all very practical and helpful. My thoughts and impressions on pregnancy Before and after the consultation, everything was radically different. I had a normal birth with her.

Other Information

أسئلة متكررة

Q: How much experience Dr. Shefali Sardana have in Head and Neck Surgery speciality? up arrow

A: Dr. Shefali Sardana has 17 years of experience in Head and Neck Surgery speciality.

Q: Where does Dr. Shefali Sardana practices? up arrow

A: Dr. Shefali Sardana works at Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital (Saket City), Saket.

Q: What is the address of Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital (Saket City), Saket? up arrow

A: Mandir Marg, Press Enclave Road, Saket, Delhi NCR

Q: Can I avail my medical insurance during treatment with Dr. Shefali Sardana? up arrow

A: Yes, you can use medical insurance during the treatment.

Q: How can I book an appointment with Dr. Shefali Sardana? up arrow

A: You can call on 8010994994 or visit Credihealth online portal to book an online appointment with the doctor.

قيّم المعلومات على هذه الصفحة • متوسط التقييم 4.17 star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating5 التصويتات
Shefali Sardana Head Neck Surgeon